From Frustrated Nurse to Visionary Entrepreneur

February 19, 2024

A journey that spans decades, overflows with challenges, and ultimately celebrates the power of nursing and entrepreneurial spirit. This is my story.

I am PK Scheerle. I’m a registered nurse. I’m a serial entrepreneur. I built companies of nurses. I’m the mother of four children. I’m an avid gardener and I love to learn.

Born out of a desire to make a difference, my journey began with a simple realization: if nurses were in charge, it would be different. Fueled by this belief, I set out to reshape the landscape of healthcare, one innovative idea at a time.

As a young nurse, I witnessed firsthand the frustrations and limitations within the healthcare system. But instead of succumbing to the status quo, I embraced the opportunity to pioneer change. In 1982, I founded American Nursing Services, a venture born from the belief that nurses deserved better—better opportunities, better recognition, and better support.

The road to success was not without its obstacles. From financial challenges to societal norms, each hurdle tested my resolve and strengthened my commitment to the cause. But with determination and a relentless pursuit of excellence, American Nursing Services flourished, paving the way for a new era of nursing empowerment.

One of the most significant milestones in my journey was being honored with the 2023 ACG Lifetime Achievement Award. This recognition affirmed the impact of my work in elevating the work of the nurse and reshaping healthcare.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of leading and inspiring countless individuals—nurses, entrepreneurs, and healthcare professionals alike. Whether through innovative business strategies or community initiatives, my goal has always been the same: to elevate nursing to its rightful place of honor and respect.

Today, as I reflect on the journey thus far, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve and make a meaningful impact. But the work is far from over. As we look to the future, I am more determined than ever to continue advocating for nurses, transforming healthcare, and empowering others to pursue their dreams.

I dedicate my journey and the successes I’ve achieved to the countless individuals who have supported and inspired me along the way. From the mentors who shared their wisdom to the colleagues who stood by my side, each person has played a pivotal role in shaping my path.

Most importantly, I dedicate my accomplishments to the nurses who tirelessly advocate for their patients and communities. It is their dedication, resilience, and compassion that continues to drive me forward.

Every milestone, every award, and every achievement is a testament to the collective efforts of those who believe in the power of nursing and the transformative potential of healthcare. It is with deep gratitude and humility that I dedicate my journey to each and every individual who has contributed to where I am today.

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